Otium Concierge

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What is On-Demand Lifestyle Concierge?

Lifestyle Concierge services are mainly associated with the rich and famous, but we all need extra time, right? It doesn’t matter whether you earn £25,000 a year, or £2,500,000… time is time and how we value our time is what matters most.

We constantly see businesses advertising their services as luxury concierge and they are right, life’s biggest luxury is time. Time to enjoy the things that are truly important to us.

We are all guilty of living to work and not paying attention to a good work-life-balance because we get caught up in day-to-day life pressures.

At Otium, we are incredibly passionate about ensuring that our services are accessible to anyone. Whether you are a busy mum or a serial entrepreneur. We like to keep things transparent and that’s why we have created Otium On-Demand. An On-Demand Lifestyle Concierge service available to everyone…

It works by paying a low annual subscription fee from £120, then you pay as you go. So, for the annual subscription you get access to all our events, offers and exclusivities, but you will only pay as and when you need our help.

You will have 24/7 support on hand and when life becomes a bit overwhelming, or you really want a Lifestyle Concierge service, but you do not want to pay huge retainers to have the pleasure of such a service, this is the perfect solution for you.

It says what it is on the tin. We are On-Demand for you, as and when you want us.

Within our On-Demand service, you can request any of the services that we would offer through our membership packages, but instead of the services available to you repeatedly within a monthly or annual retainer cost, you just pay for the request as you raise it. So, you are in the driving seat and you can use us as much or as little as you want.

You can access our On-Demand Lifestyle Concierge service through an online portal, which is where you can select the task you need, and the portal will ask you all the information we need in order to carry out your request… or you can simply call or email us. We like to have a chat.

Within our On-Demand portal, you will find our very popular Events Calendar, which will show you the events coming up for the next 12 – 18 months and within this, you will also find prices and packages available to you.

In your free time, you may fancy a family fun-filled weekend, you may enjoy the golf, you may love a box for the six nations, or you may like to visit Michelin star restaurants or museums… our job it to give back time to enjoy the things that you love. Plus, we’ll organise this for you too.

If this sounds like a balance you want to adopt? Get in touch or sign up today.